Tracy Cui
Fall Portfolio 2016
Started with importing the blueprints into 3ds: top, front, and left blueprints shown respectively.
Began the modeling process with a simple cylinder shape, and shaped the vertices to better match the shape of the body in the blueprint, using X-Ray mode to be able to see the blueprint through the shape.
Extruded the cylinder repeatedly, scaling the polygons and vertices on each iteration to match the blueprint. Added an inward bevel at the very front of our model for the propellor mechanism.
Next, modeled the tail and the fuselage by cutting out edges from the top and sides of the body in line with the blueprints, and extruding the newly created polygons while scaling and shaping them.
The propellors were then modeled by extruding a small cylinder from the front, then creating a polygon from a propellor blueprint, adding depth to the polygon, and creating rotated copies of it.
Recently, work on the wings was started, and the wings are being modeled in a similar fashion as the tail and fuselage.